Lore Library

A public catalogue for your tabletop RPG

Lore Library Features


Your Lore Library will include your logo, graphics, fonts, and colours.


All content is categorised and tagged as extensively as you like.


Robust search makes it easy for people to discover new content.


Managing your Lore Library’s catalogue is easy and intuitive.


There is no limit to the number of items your library can include.


You have full control over your Lore Library.

Hosting Options

There are two options for hosting your Lore Library. No matter which one you choose, you will have full control over your Lore Library once it is complete. See the Frequently Asked Questions for more info about hosting. All prices are in USD.

⋆⋆ KiwiRPG Week Special ⋆⋆

50% off all plans!


$35 $18 / month

Paid monthly, no setup cost
Discount applies to first 6 months

Site hosting and domain name are arranged and managed for you.

Includes Booster Pack


$700 $350

Once-off payment

You arrange and manage your own site hosting and domain name.

Booster Pack: $95

Every Lore Library is lovingly crafted and includes the following features:

Easy-to-use content management system
Unlimited amount of content
Integrated categories, tags, and other taxonomies
Additional taxonomies added and integrated on request
Customised design based on your game’s theme
Your custom logos, graphics, and fonts included
Additional custom design elements considered on request
Advanced search to make content discovery easy
Customised ordering options for users
Filters to show content with specific features
Content optimised for search engine discovery
Special section for highlighting your favourite resources
Full control over entire site
Initial content imported (complex imports may incur a fee)
Intuitive layout to make browsing easy
RSS feeds for all content
Public form for creators to submit their resources
Instructional video showing how to manage your library
Booster Pack (see below)$95 extra
Hosting and domain nameNot included*

* For the self-managed option, I will assist you with setting up your hosting and domain name.

The Booster Pack includes these additional features to level up your Lore Library:

Get Started

You can have your own Lore Library set up and customised to your needs in no time. Send in your details through the form below, and we can work together to make your library a reality. Each library is designed and built according to your needs.

All Lore Libraries are customised to your game’s theme and colour scheme, including any fonts, colours, and graphics that you like. No matter which hosting option you choose, you will have full control over your Lore Library once it is complete.

How it works:

After you fill in the form below, Hugh will get in touch with you over email to discuss the details of your library. You can make additional design requests and send over any necessary assets, then work will begin. You can expect completion in 1–2 weeks, although it’s usually less than that.

Once design and development is complete, your library will be published using your selected hosting option. If you have your initial content available in a spreadsheet or other reasonable format, it can be imported for you to give your library a head start.

Preferred hosting option(required)

We’ll discuss your requirements over email before moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more? Here are answers to some common questions about Lore Library.

What technology is behind Lore Library?

Each Lore Library is built on WordPress, with custom features added to make it the best home for your game’s content. This means that your Library is 100% open-source, and you will have full control over it once it is complete. You will have complete access to the code and unrestricted administrative access to the site dashboard.

Can I make changes to my Lore Library?

Yes, you can! Once you have your Lore Library, you are welcome to make any changes to it that you like. WordPress is very user-friendly, and I’m also happy to direct you to resources then can help with any specific things you would like to do. You will have this same control no matter which hosting option you choose.

Can I import my existing list of modules into my Lore Library?

Yes, you can. If your content is already in a reasonable format, such as a spreadsheet or CSV, I should be able to do it as part of the site setup. If it is in a more complex format, such as a text document, then it will need to be moved to a spreadsheet. You can do that yourself, or I can do it for you, but will charge an additional fee based on the amount of work involved.

Can you include my game’s images/logo/branding in my Lore Library?

Of course! When I build your Lore Library, I will include any logos, fonts, images or other branding that you like. We will discuss it over email, and you can send them over for me to include.

Who is behind Lore Library?

Lore Library is a service by Hugh Lashbrooke – find out more above.

What is the difference between the two hosting options?

Managed hosting: I will organise and manage your site and your domain name. You will have full administrative access to the site dashboard, where you can make any changes you like, including installing additional plugins or making your own layout changes. There are no additional charges on top of the monthly fee.

Self-managed: You will organise your own domain name and site hosting. I will recommend services you can use and help you set things up (I recommend Pressable for hosting and Enom for domain registration), but it will be up to you to manage and pay for it. Depending on what you choose, this can cost around $25+ per month for hosting and $10+ per year for your domain name.

Where can I ask further questions?

Send a message here to ask anything you like:

© 2024 Hugh Lashbrooke and Lore Library
Artwork by Penflower Ink